The Comprehensive Guide to Microneedling for Hair Restoration

microneedling hair loss

Your skin responds by sending more blood flow to the area and rebuilding its collagen to heal the wounds. Before undergoing a microneedling treatment, it's best to begin by talking with a trained healthcare provider like a certified dermatologist about your options. Since these devices penetrate your skin and can come in contact with your nerves and blood vessels, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends you look for someone with special training in microneedling. If you’re set on attempting microneedling at home for hair loss, be aware that DIY microneedling can carry an increased risk of infection and other side effects.

microneedling hair loss

Microneedling Devices

This would obviously be very likely to happen if you were using a very long needle. But it would eventually also happen with a shorter needle if you did it day after day and never let your skin heal. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) states that most of these side effects will subside within 5 days of the procedure. Dr. Cole carefully assesses each case on an individual basis and offers candid feedback and treatment alternatives. By Christopher BerglandBergland is a retired ultra-endurance athlete turned medical writer and science reporter.

microneedling hair loss

Is Dermarolling Effective When Paired With Minoxidil?

Before your microneedling for hair loss treatment, make sure your scalp is freshly cleaned and free of any hair products, as they may get into the wounds and potentially cause an infection, says Kashian. At the clinic, your hair care professional might apply a topical or local anesthetic to ease any pain, then start running the roller over the affected areas to create microtrauma, says Dr. Kinler. The needles will feel similar to a rubber band snapping against your skin, and you'll experience some redness and bleeding, says Kashian.

Health Alerts from Harvard Medical School

You have to wait a bit for results, regardless of the effectiveness of derma rollers. Investigator evaluation of hair growth at week 12 was a primary efficacy variable. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), most side effects diminish within 5 days after your treatment. Microneedling involves the use of a skin roller with small needles that causes minor skin injuries. If you’ve noticed an excessive amount of hair shedding, a receding hairline, or that the hair on the crown of your head becoming increasingly sparse, you’re probably experiencing a form of hair loss. Although rare, it is also possible to develop an infection or to have an allergic reaction after the procedure.

Since MN is suspected to enhance transdermal drug delivery, split-scalp study designs leave open the possibility of percutaneous drug diffusion across scalp zones, thus limiting the interpretability of endpoint assessments. AA and AT are autoimmune forms of alopecia resulting from the collapse of immune privilege in affected hair follicles. In particular, peribulbar lymphocytic infiltrates appear to induce apoptosis in hair follicle keratinocytes—leading to inflammation, impaired hair shaft production, and sometimes hair shaft miniaturization within the same hair cycle.

Benefits of microneedling

While it is commonly used for skin rejuvenation, there is growing interest in its potential to promote hair growth. When microneedling is introduced to this equation, it acts as a complementing catalyst. Microneedling creates micro-injuries on the scalp, which not only stimulate the production of collagen and elastin but also enhance the absorption and distribution of the growth factors released during PRP or CRP treatments.

Hair loss treatment isn’t one-size-fits-all

These days, there are many types of microneedling devices with different needle types and lengths. This has allowed microneedling to be used for a variety of medical and aesthetic treatments, from skin rejuvenation to hair loss. Microneedling works by using very fine needles to create micro-injuries in the scalp. This triggers the body's natural wound healing response and growth factor release to repair the skin. As collagen production increases in the dermis layer beneath the skin surface, it improves scalp thickness and hair follicle health.

You’ll Have Professional Guidance

Professional microneedling devices have adjustable needle lengths to suit different treatment areas and conditions, which helps ensure precise, safe treatments. Breaks between microneedling sessions are essential as they allow the scalp to heal. While it might be tempting to do a bunch of microneedling all at once in the hopes of getting faster results, the healing process is crucial to hair regrowth. Excessive microneedling, which could trigger scarring, would be counterproductive and actually damage hair follicles. If you’re thinking about trying microneedling treatments, you can obviously do so at home, with a cosmetic microneedling device. But you’re more likely to have successful hair regrowth if you go into a clinic where a medical-grade device will be applied to your scalp.

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Understanding the Science Behind Microneedling for Hair Restoration

However, some people – particularly individuals who are using only over-the-counter, home-use treatments – want to try microneedling without the hassle of going into a medical or aesthetic practice. In these cases, microneedling at home can be an option – but only if you’re able to use the right tools and follow best practices for a safe and successful home treatment. Microneedling can treat scars, hyperpigmentation, and large pores by increasing the skin’s production of collagen. Botox injections prevent certain muscles from contracting and forming wrinkles on the skin.

The tiny skin punctures microneedling causes can result in tiny channels in the scalp, which can increase the absorption of topical products like vitamin serums, minoxidil, or topical finasteride. This combined method should be done under the supervision of a knowledgeable physician. Approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour before the procedure, the doctor typically applies a topical anesthetic to the treatment area. This will numb the skin during the microneedling process, which takes approximately 30 minutes. Also, though more research is needed, a 2021 review suggests microneedling may promote hair growth in some people with alopecia.

Microneedling offers a growing number of benefits and is a popular choice because it's minimally invasive and requires little to no downtime. “These are very unlikely to have any benefit for dermal remodeling, but they may have benefits such as exfoliating the skin, which would allow topical medications to penetrate better,” says Dr. Suozzi. This process starts with inflammation, which stimulates the skin to produce new collagen (the elastic fibers that make skin tight, smooth, and youthful).

Men between 20 years and 35 years of age with mild to moderate (III vertex or IV AGA), according to Norwood-Hamilton grading scale were enrolled in the study. Men on Finasteride or other anti-androgenic medications within past 6 months, any known systemic Illness were excluded. Microneedling isn’t a surgical procedure, so there generally aren’t as many risks involved. However, it’s still recommended that you find an experienced and trained professional to reduce possible complications, such as scarring.

Using minoxidil immediately after microneedling can potentially increase the absorption of the medication and cause more burning, itching, and irritation on the scalp. It’s important talk to your healthcare provider about when you should resume your topical minoxidil after treatment. While used as an anti-aging skin treatment, microneedling may also be a method of treatment for hair loss. There’s even evidence that it can help a special type of hair loss known as alopecia areata.

Some people may also find benefits in using microneedling along with oral hair loss medications like Finasteride or Dutasteride (off-label). If you are currently using topical hair loss medications, you may be able to apply them as well. Ask your doctor when they would recommend applying your specific topical medication after microneedling. These rollers, pens, and stamps are all designed to do the same thing -- create tiny punctures in your scalp in order to stimulate stem cells, circulation, collagen production, and, hopefully, increase the growth and thickness of new hairs. It’s best to avoid direct sun exposure on the day on which microneedling is performed. In the days following your microneedling treatments, wear a head covering or  apply a  sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher,  to help protect your skin.


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